I often tell my students that when they are stuck for subjects to write about, making a list is one of the surest ways to generate ideas. More fortunately for me, a list can be a whole post in blogworld.
Things I Love (not an all inclusive list)
A really good science fiction movie. (Aliens, Star Trek 2, The original Star Wars trilogy, Blade Runner, etc.)
When Avery hugs me for no reason.
The look and smell of a just-mowed lawn.
The bottom of a Dairy Queen ice cream cone.
A fire in the fireplace.
Rufus Wainwright's cover of "Across the Universe."
Sleeping in.
Homemade soup and warm rolls.
Big books from the library with lots of pictures.
Fries from JB's with a cup of white gravy.
"Rebel, Rebel" by David Bowie.
Receiving e-mail from friends.
Archer/Sunnydell, Idaho.
The Boise Art Museum.
"The House on Loon Lake" from This American Life.
Dancing With The Stars.
Anything and everything by U2 with the possible exception of Pop and most of Zooropa.
Eugene, OR.
Papa John's Pizza.
The ease of iTunes.
Eating lunch with Suzanne.
New issues of Rex Libris and The Spirit.
Bread sticks and marinara sauce.
Eric D. Snider's movie reviews (especially when he doesn't like the movie).
Mountains and open spaces.
Peri Gilpin.
Lava Hot Springs.
Reduced Fat Wheat Thins.
Watching Jack Shepherd become more and more unhinged.
The title sequence of The Age of Innocence.
"Roman Fever"
Maryn jumping rope.
Movie trailers.
Action figures.
That's probably enough for today. I have Russian movies to watch this week. Hello, Tarkovsky!
Good idea. It's always the little things that can make me the happiest!
Look for my list on my blog . . .
Will you please follow this up with a snarky "Things I Hate" blog? Those are so much more, well, hateful.
YOU ARE TOAST!! You spelled Sunnydell wrong. How dare you :0 It is the promised land, you know. Someday we will build ourselves a beautiful home and perhaps begin the Brown compound in another area....I think every one else is stuck in Rigbyville, so maybe you guys could come and join our neighborhood when we migrate :)
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