I am always a little sad when I finish a really good book. If I've enjoyed a book enough to read it all the way through, chances are I like the characters and I'm invested in what happens to them and their world. Once the book is over, that's it. You can go back and re-read but that's not the same as finding your way through the first time.
Over the weekend, I finally (and I do mean finally) finished reading Susanna Clarke's Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell. It took me over a year and that, for me, is unheard of. I'm a pretty fast reader and once I get involved in a book, I'll selfishly carve away time away from other activities in order to keep reading. As far as I can remember, it hasn't taken me more than a week or ten days to finish any book since junior high.
But JSAMN is different. I bought it off the remainder table at Barnes and Noble during the Christmas sales of 2007. I'd heard good things about it and, of course, the cover was striking and attractive. Plus it's nearly 800 pages long and when you can get a hardcover book that size for only six dollars, it's hard not to buy it just because it's a great deal.
I started it, liked what I read, but then had to put it down because there were other, more pressing things - school, work, family, etc. I just felt like I couldn't give the time I needed to really invest. So I set it aside for a long time. I picked it up again at some point mid year and read another hundred pages but then had to put it back down again.
Leading up to our move here and just after, I found myself reading before bed. If I fall asleep first, Suzanne can't because apparently I "snore like a congested heifer." So I read until she falls asleep. So after about a month of delayed-snoring reading, I finished it. Now I'm sad. Not only do I miss the characters, I miss having that regular escape hatch to another world. I know I can always pick up another book but it's like leaving a warm, cozy bed and moving into one that hasn't had its sheets warmed up yet. I'd much rather just stay where it's warm rather than waiting for new sheets to warm up.
Ah well, all good things must come to an end.
If you have the mind and the time, I would obviously recommend the book. It's great fun and worth the effort.
I really liked it as well, I'm glad you kept plugging away! There were so many interesting ideas. I am fascinated by English faerie lore, and this did not disappoint.
I enjoyed this one too. I'm between good things now--any recommendations?
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