Some people get beauty.

Some people get talent.

Some people get goodness.

But how often do all those traits make themselves apparent in one person?
I watched Roman Holiday the other night and was dazed with pleasure at how much fun it is, how funny it is, and what a stunning person Audrey Hepburn was. Of course, her physical beauty was always apparent but I never knew how stinking funny she was. I laughed out loud at her delivery of the simplest of lines in Roman Holiday more than once. Her near-silent performance in the final scenes of the movie show she wasn't just a comedienne either. The fact that she dedicated her dedicated almost half of her life to helping and comforting some of the most underprivileged and forgotten people in the world demonstrates that her beauty wasn't just external.
So let's hear it for Audrey Hepburn, one of the world's most beautiful women, inside and out.
How I loved her in "Breakfast at Tiffany's" although I did not understand the plot until years later.
Her favorite performance for me was in "Always" when she played the guardian angel of Richard Dreyfus. Her dignity as an older woman almost made get older worth it. I said "almost" !!!
I LOVE Miss Hepburn....one of my favorites!! Couldn't agree with you more!
She ruled. UNICEF!
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