Fittingly, Jimmy Stewart's character, Howard Kemp, gets shot in the leg and has to hobble for some of the movie. It's fitting because the movie also is LAME.
Snoooze. Please, Jimmy Stewart just doesn't have the tough guy gene in him. The supersaturated technicolor makes the whole film look as though it was colored with a set of Crayola 64. Ralph Meeker, so cool and tough in Kiss Me Deadly, smiles like a goofy, stupid goon through the whole thing. And Janet Leigh - the more I see of her, the more I realize she's a pretty bad actress.
All in all, my friends - a dud. Pass it over in favor of something that doesn't smack of backlot cheese.
In response to Avery's comment on Len Goodman ... ain't it the truth ? Let's not get "Dancing" confused with "entertainment" !
But who will prevail ? I'm thinking Shawn is cute, but not a 10 for crying out loud ! Gilles ? Melissa ? even Lil Kim are all holding their own. Just get.rid.of. Steve-o !
I will now commit heresy in the general direction of middle America. Especially for those over 50.
I've never liked Jimmy Stewart.
It's a Wonderful Life? Mr. What's-his-name's Christmas? Mr. Smith Goes to Washington? None of these ever worked for me and it's because I find Stewart's work to be a one-note, hackneyed, and occasionally lugubrious affair.
The only two times I was somewhat entertained by his work was when Hitchcock was directing him. Vertigo and Rear Window were pretty good, in spite of Stewart, because Hitch reined in his alleged affableness and made him act instead of breaking out the exact same 'aw shucks, I'm just a good ol' boy who may have gotten in over his head' routine that he seemed to bust out for everything he ever touched.
And, perhaps, most importantly...
Stewart was always the least funny guy on Dean Martin's Celebrity Roast series, and that's just criminal.
Sorry for the rant.
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