Thursday, April 23, 2009


Yes, three truly is the magic number. Observe:

Daughter #1

Daughter #2

Daughter #3

Yep, what you are looking at are the lady bits of the future Miss Brown. I know it doesn't look like much but if you know what to look for, it's pretty obvious we've got another female on the way. We got an ultrasound today and got the happy news. I'm excited. Although it further outnumbers me in my own home, daughters are great and I wouldn't trade them for anything. (I grew up with three brothers and no sisters. I've kind of already had the loud, climbing-on-everything, jumping-off-of-everything, destroy-everything-in-sight experience.) Anyway, the doctors made it apparent that they will be checking and monitoring Suzy extensively so we can avoid another scary, emergency c-section and that was comforting. (Although I'm not sure Suzy's crazy about getting the Big Brother treatment when it involves her lady bits, if you know what I'm saying. Still, better safe than sorry.)

Anyway, yay for us.


Dan said...

Congratulations, we're so excited for you guys!!

Ang said...


brownbunchmama said...

Another beautiful Brown woman to come!! Right on !!

Paul and Linda said...

Braeden and Cole breathe a collective sigh of security, I'm sure.

Your "favorite uncle" status remains assured.

Unknown said...

Happy news, Browns. Thinking fond thoughts of you and yours!

Karen said...

Yay for upcoming strong members of Relief Society!!! Sending love to you all.