But this post isn't that kind of "Best of." This is a list of stuff (mostly pop culture) I really liked this year. Feel free to consider them recommendations.

California Years by Jill Sobule. I like this album for several reasons. First of all, the songs are melodic, clever, sweet, and catchy. "Good Life" is charming and funny while "Mexican Pharmacy" is snarky and sharp. "Nothing to Prove" is anthemic and "Wendell Lee" is quirky. Besides just the quality of the music, I love how the album came about. The independent record companies that produced her previous two albums both folded and so, instead of giving up or selling out, she called on friends, fans, and random celebrities to donate money. She eventually raised eighty five thousand dollars, hired Don Was to produce, and put out a great record. The last tune on the album is "The Donor Song" in which she sings the names of some of her donors. California Years was my lawnmowing go-to music this summer.

Wednesday Comics. Every Wednesday for twelve weeks this summer, a new issue of Wednesday Comics came out. Instead of the usual, 22 page thing we're all used to seeing on racks at Waldenbooks, it was a giant tabloid-sized book printed on newsprint in wonderful full color. Each page was the continuation of an individual story. Batman was on the first page, Superman was page 3, and so on. So by the time the last issue came out, we had fifteen different stories that were twelve pages each. Each story was produced by a different creative team and so each page had a different look, a different storyline, etc. Some were terrific (Adam Strange and Kamandi were particular faves at the Brown home) and some were totally lame (I can't fathom how the Wonder Woman story even made it into print). But it was a wonderful weekly ritual with Maryn and Avery. Every Wednesday, they'd beg to go to Metropolis Comics so we could pick up the new issue. Once we got it, we'd settle in somewhere and get the latest installment. They really liked Green Lantern, Kamandi, and Metal Men. I liked Batman and Adam Strange. I was sad when the twelve issue run was over and I hope they do it again next summer.

Top Chef. Every time I would say that I enjoyed Chopped or Next Food Network Star, someone would say, "Have you seen Top Chef?" I had not because but this Fall, Suzanne and I watched the latest season and finally understood what the big deal is. Part of it is the higher level of skill and knowledge involved. Part of it is the more interesting judges. After watching a season of Top Chef, I see now that Chopped is cooking show lite. It's fun but less filling. The great tragedy, however, is that we missed the finale a few weeks ago because Dish decided to replace Bravo with the Lifetime Movie Network without saying a word. (Talk about adding insult to injury.) We hope to get it back before the next season starts.

Fourth Street Bakery. It's just a small shop in Peru where Suzanne and I go for lunch sometimes. Some of you may remember me mentioning it in my post from last winter about the world's hottest hot chocolate. It has really good sandwiches, tasty bagels, and yummy soups. Since I associate it with nice lunches with Suzanne, I like it there very much.

Star Trek. I've only been a casual fan of Star Trek and always preferred Star Wars as a kid. However, the new film version directed by J.J. Abrams was nothing less than a hot, steaming cup of fresh-brewed awesome. I loved it.
ENG 1003-01 Fall '09. This was one of the best groups of students I've ever had. It was a blast to go to class every Tuesday and Thursday. I enjoyed it and I think they did too. I doubt this particular dynamic will be replicated any time soon even though I'm teaching the same class at the same time in the same classroom next term and even though I have several of the same students taking other classes of mine this spring. It was one of those experiences that just happens -- not something you can engineer.
So there you are: a list of general awesomeness from the year 2009. I'm looking forward to Sherlock Holmes, the fifth and final season of Lost, teaching American Lit 2, and lots more goodness in the year to come.
We are happy to welcome you aboard the Top Chef Train where everybody hates Michael V. and loves Kevin, and would like to taste a true bechamel, and know who the heck is Padma, anyway ?
(my verification word is "outness". Is that a sign ?)
Nice list, my friend. I concur on the Star Trek verdict. I have it on good authority that my name gift this year is that particular Blu-Ray. Can't wait.
How cool that your class gelled like that. My 102-C25 was very much like that. Excellent pay way beyond the scratch.
Are you teaching a novel in American Lit? I've done The Crossing, Bean Trees, Ender's Game, and now I'm tackling Huck Finn. Promises to be fun.
Miss you and yours. Who was that skinny hairless guy in your post from a day or so ago anyway. :)
I too am glad to see you support Top Chef. Its a favorite at our house. Are you holding out to see who won or should I spoil it for you? Let's just say he was a total jerk the entire season.....
Oh, I know who won and I'm not happy about it. I thought it would be Kevin the whole time but instead it turned out to be Mr. "Kevin cooks what I cook on my day off." I hate that guy and it bugs me that his arrogance was validated by winning. Grr.
Oh, and Clark, that guy was Seth Rogan in a skinnier day.
Oh and we're reading My Antonia and Double Indemnity for American Lit 2. Should be good.
What a fun list Mark! I wish there was something else I could cleverly add to the list of comments here, but I'm afraid there is nothing new to be said. Dang, and you know how much I love to talk!
Next time I won't come so late to the party.
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