It's about nine a.m. here and everyone is sleeping but me. We've had a cold circulating through the family and Maryn's been hit hardest with it. She was up coughing and hacking all night. Suzanne was the one who heard her so she was up too. Avery's just a lazy bones who would stay in bed all day if there weren't cartoons on television to lure her out.
I'm sitting on the couch with the Today show on in the background. It's all about the New Year's Eve celebration in Times Square. It's snowing and cold there today. I had a friend in high school who went to the Times Square festivities and she said it was one of the scariest things she'd ever done. A million drunk people pressed into a really small area -- she said she and her friends were almost crushed against some barriers by the crowd, that everyone was drunk and out of control. Doesn't sound like fun to me.
We don't have any big plans -- our traditional seven layer dip, sparkling cider, and the sparkling ball on TV. That's plenty.
A couple of unrelated thoughts:
Hoarders, Intervention, 16 and Pregnant, Teen Mom, and One Big Happy Family make me absolutely cringe. I've articulated my thoughts about reality TV here before, bascially saying that reality TV that produces something worthwhile (the ability of dance, good food, lost weight) is great, but reality TV that encourages the worst in human nature is not (lying, cheating, letchery, etc). Lately, it seems reality television has evolved to a new, even more horrible level. It's one thing to have reality TV that showcases idiots being idiots (Big Brother) but with shows like Intervention and Hoarders, it's like the audience is being asked to get enjoyment out of people's sickest, darkest moments. I don't get that at all. I get that it's hard to turn away from a train wreck but, jeeze, really?
On another note, the new movie with Harrison Ford and Brendan Fraser, Extraordinary Measures --

is it just me, or does this look like a Lifetime made-for-tv movie of the week? Why are a supposed A-lister like Ford and an almost-not-quite-never-more-than-B-lister like Fraser doing a film that visually and thematically nothing more than an ABC After School Special?
Anyway, enough complaining about TV and movies. Have a happy New Year celebration everyone. Don't get crushed against a barrier.
Just last night I was watching a clip of the T-Square readiness, and thinks I ... "Boy, that'd be a heck of a place for some guy with a bomb strapped to his leg to 'mingle' !"
Ditto on your Ford comment ! When does this guy realize we ain't interested anymore ?
Happy New Year Mark! I find the word verification below "momplate" very apropos as I ate my way through New Year's Eve.....
Happy New Year to you. I have to say- we were sucked into 16 & Pregnant. Each episode we would scream "ADOPTION!!" at the top of our lungs (at the TV). Admittedly, we watch Teen Mom now and it is a bit of sweetness to see how the couple who placed their child for adoption are stunningly more stable and happy than the others. That's my schpeel :)
I loved your clip of the electricians surveying the New Year's Eve Ball. That's the Ball of my memories growing up (when we finally had a TV).
Dad Day
We watched an episode of Hoarders the other night and just sat there for an hour with our jaws dropped open! Gross! It was the one where the women lived in piles of garbage. Yes, garbage. The only thing that I got out of the hour that I wasted watching it - my house felt really, really clean.
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