So yesterday was the big ELEVEN for Suzanne and I. We spent about an hour in the afternoon looking at photos from our engagement and wedding, and we talked about what kids we were, how little we knew. It's crazy that two people who don't really know each other all that well, who don't know what they're in for, can decide to stay together for the rest of their lives and beyond and then actually do it. We had no idea what we were in for but I'm glad we decided and I'm glad we're doing it.
Two days ago, Suzanne threw out her back. It was the most harmless thing in the universe -- she bent down to hang a dish towel on a hook under the sink. Something went *ping* and suddenly she could barely walk. For our anniversary, she took a hot shower and some ibuprofen so we could at least go out to dinner. (Monte's Riverside Inn in Ottawa for New York steak. Yum.) But this morning, her back was worse than ever. For some reason, it locks up over night and then slowly loosens as the day goes on. Though I'm loathe to do it, I think we may have to call a chiropractor tomorrow because it can't go on like this.

Because of Suzanne's inability to walk or carry much of anything, we are all home from church today. We couldn't leave Parker with her so we are all taking a day off from church. Or so I thought. About an hour ago as I was checking my email, I heard Avery's voice coming from her bedroom and it was her reading-aloud voice. I tuned in to what she was saying and, as I did, I heard, "And the voice of warning shall be unto all people, by the mouths of my . . . disciples, whom I have chosen in these last days."
I walk quietly back to their room and find both girls have assembled a small congregation of stuffed animals on their beds and they are reading to them out of the first section of the Doctrine and Covenants like they were giving a talk in Sacrament Meeting. It was hilarious and kind of sweet. They looked up at me and then immediately went back to what they were doing.
I left them alone and about fifteen minutes later they wandered in with all of their stuffed animals in their arms and Maryn informed me that, "The kids were all really good in church and we think they deserve to watch James and the Giant Peach. Is that okay? They also filled up the imaginary Faith jar." (Apparently, when they're good in their Sunday School classes they get to drop something in the "faith jar" and when it's full, they get some kind of treat.) So they are in the other room right now with their faithful congregations watching James and the Giant Peach. I can't argue if the faith jar is full.
So for the moment, Parker is on her play mat beating the crap out of the various stuffed animals and noisemakers that hang above her and the girls are watching a movie. Suzanne is sleeping, hoping her body will somehow heal itself, and I am writing to you, dear reader. Pretty quiet day. We had an inch of snow yesterday and so everything is pale and colorless outside. Not much wind. No additional snow. Everything is just still.
Tomorrow I intend to post my "Best of" for 2009. Tune in tomorrow.
P.S. When Maryn saw the engagement photo that's at the top of this post, she said, "Dad, it's hard to believe that you didn't used to have a beard. And you were blonde. And so scrawny. It's weird."
Personally, I have always felt that James and the Giant Peach had spiritual overtones, and would make a perfect reward for faith. It would take faith on my part to watch it !
Happy Anniversary you two ... and many more !
Call the chiropractor. I threw back out on thanksgiving. Toughed it out for two weeks just to throw it out again. Went to the "Doc" once, it hurt for a couple days, now all better.
Hope Suzy's back is feeling better soon! (I agree with Dan- call the Chiropractor) And I love Maryn's comments on your engagement pictures. Priceless.
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