Following a good year's worth of black and white classical Hollywood, I've been craving full-color, big special-effects, blockbuster-style movies. Consequently, I got Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen from Netflix. Now, I saw the first Transformers and, yes, it sucked as a film. The characters were lame, the dialogue was terrible, the narrative was a mess, etc. But it was cool to see scenes of Detroit spliced in with scenes from Los Angeles. And the robots were pretty cool.
The second film is more of the same. Suckier dialogue, lamer acting, crappier narrative -- but bigger, badder, cooler robots. One thing I can say for Michael Bay, director and doofus extraordinaire, is that he can film a pretty mean action sequence when he puts his blow-dried head to it. The fight scene between the robots in the woods is pretty exciting and cool to watch. Everything else -- meh.
Up next on the ol' queue is Julie and Julia (for Suzanne who complains that I treat the Netflix account as though it was my own.) After that, the latest Harry Potter movie which I still have not seen.
Can I tell you what I'm excited to see in the theater this Christmas season though?

Here's hoping it's not The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Redux.
Wouldn't it be neat if we could actually see a movie in the theater together again? We can always dream, right?
P.S. Thanks for queueing up Julie and Julia...I'm looking forward to some chick flick action.
As to J and J ... a wonderful movie! Especially if you love Maryl Streep which I do , and Julia Child which I did, and Amy Adams ? ehh ...
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