Aaaaannnyway, the jury is still out on Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. It got mostly tepid reviews and no one I know was particularly enthusiastic about it when it came out. Having lowered expectations, I haven't been terribly disappointed yet. The two things I noticed are: #1 - There seems to be an awful lot of nudge-nudge-wink-wink going on. The opening chase scene between the army trucks and the hot rod is obviously a reference to American Graffiti which was directed by Indiana Jones'es writer/producer George Lucas, the audience gets a glimpse of the titular ark from Raiders of the Lost Ark in the warehouse scene, and there are plenty of references to Indy's age and how things aren't as easy as they used to be. All of this seems to be a jokey way of acknowledging history and winking at the viewer as if to say, "We know it's been a while - stay with us though and we'll try to make it fun."
The other thing I noticed is Spielberg's now-frequent collaborator, cinematographer Januz Kaminski. He's shot just about every Spielberg film since Schindler's List and his style is a little too grainy and sophisticated for the Saturday-matinee-cheesy-cliffhanger nature of the Indiana Jones films. His style makes the most innocuous scene seem heavy and ominous. When Spielberg is doing something like Minority Report, it works perfectly. When he's doing something that involves Shia Labeouf as a motorcycle-riding character named "Mutt," not so much.

Anyway, once we finish it (you know, once my wife lets me use the tv again), I'll give a full report.
I actively hated this movie when I saw it in the theater. FWIW.
Actively? Like, throwing stuff at the screen?
Shalee and I won free tickets to the Idaho Falls premier showing. I hung in there faithfully until the last ten or fifteen minutes, then it's just weird.
yeah...hated it...
I'll take the Duggars over this piece of junk any day.
P.S. We're actually sitting on the couch watching the last half right now...that's why I'm blogging and NOT watching it. L-A-M-E!!
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