Thursday, April 14, 2011

Random Updates and Rants

Our computer failed once again this week. It's in the computer hospital, hopefully undergoing some permanent reconstructive surgery that will remove whatever board or chip that makes it suck so bad. As a consequence of said crappy computer, the Admiral's fabulous prize will have to wait for next week. It'll be a doozy.

The quiz is still on for tomorrow though so be on the lookout.

Does anyone else besides me watch Justified?

Lazy, unmotivated, flat-out dumb students make me crabby. Why does it take an assignment due date coming and going for them to say to themselves, "Hmmm, I might need some help here"? Why not before the assignment is due? Why not well-before it's due? If they put half the energy they put into begging for extensions into just doing the work in the first place, they'd be terrific students.

I think obscure, esoteric Facebook updates are obnoxious. They are the digital equivalent of dressing all in black and prominently displaying your Moleskine notebook while wearing horn-rimmed glasses while sitting at the fair-trade-only vegan coffee shop while reading a copy of The Stranger. It's like begging someone to point out how fascinating and mysterious you are.

Clearly, I'm feeling a little ranty. Maybe I should get back to grading papers.


Ang said...

You won't get wise
With the sleep still in your eyes
No matter what your dreams might be

Okay, so if you don't know who said that than I pity you.

Okay, it was actually this guy named Neil Peart who was in this really important band called Rush and if you aren't super into Rush and haven't memorized all their lyrics then, once again, I pity you.

Okay, so I googled "Rush lyrics" because I don't really know any, but most of my male friends over 35 who were also English majors have this inexplicable Rush thing going on and like to refer to them in Facebook status updates, so I figured you were either 1. super cool and just like them or 2. even cooler and just like me, which means that if you were forced to make a music-lyric-related status update it would read something like this:

"Whoa oh, we're halfway there! Whoa oh! Living on a prayer!"

With exclamation marks.

Captain Admiral said...

Yeah, I watch Justified. It is, in my opinion, the best written show on the telly right about now. Fully fleshed-out, complex, believable characters. I find it to be a treat.

lateshoes said...

Ugh.... "Vaguebooking"... don't even get me started.