Wednesday, November 26, 2008

For Anyone Who Ever Had To Share A Fridge At Work

toothpaste for dinner


brownbunchmama said...

Did I ever tell you about the jury trial I had a few months back when it was discovered that law enforcement had been keeping a vial of blood of the defendant in the community lunch fridge-ask me about it sometime it was great-FROM DAVE

popcultchick said...

Oh lord. The best is when you have an office where no one touches anyone else's stuff and someone gets fired. Case in point? A pasta salad that stayed in the fridge under that freezer-like hole so long it first became a block of ice, then the ice turned moldy. Did you even know ice could get moldy.

The good news is, when I got canned, I left a baggie of grapes in our fridge. Bet those grapes are beardy by now!