Okay, so as of today, I'm officially in my mid-thirties, right? Thirty through thirty three is early, thirty four through thirty six is mid, and thirty seven and up is late. So I'm in my mid thirties. I don't feel any different. Fatter, maybe. But that's it.
So far, it's been an excellent birthday. Both girls were dead to the world this morning until I asked, "Does anyone know what day it is?" Avery, rising as though from the grave, sleepily raised her hand and said, "S'yer berfday," and she got up to give me a hug. Then, as my birthday surprise, they both got out of bed and dressed themselves without help and (more importantly) without complaining.
At work, I only had to teach one class and then Suzanne took me to lunch at the very busy but very tasty Loco's in Greektown. Now I get to leave early to go to Wayne State campus to talk over my directed study with Dr. Shaviro. Tonight, we'll take the girls out for dinner and I'll get my lovely, little gifties. I love presents. Yes, I do.
The presents are sitting on a table near the computer downstairs and the other night, naturally, I shook them, felt them, sniffed them, etc. So yesterday, when Maryn asked what I wanted for my birthday I said, "Well, maybe two or three movies on DVD, a CD, and maybe some books." Her bright, little face glowed and she said, "Well, I think you're going to be very happy tomorrow." I asked her why and she grinned and said, "I can't tell you!" It was pretty funny.
A birthday is a time for reflection, I suppose. There are plenty of things I want for this next year, hopes and goals I have, and there are things for me to learn by looking back on the past twelve months, of course. But more than anything, I guess I'm just really happy to have my wife and kids. Being with them and having them in my life are the best, most important parts of this last year. The presents I open tonight will be nice for sure but Suzanne, Maryn, and Avery are the best gift of all.
1 comment:
(Sung in the style of Red Robin !) ...
Happy happy birthday to you to you to you !
(Now in the style of Lone Star !)
Happy happy birthday to you ... Hee Haw !)
(Now in the style of Lim's Star ! )
Happy Happy Birthday ... Ah So !)
(And finally in the style of the Day's !)
Oh, somebody had a birthday. Our little Markie Dear !
Kind Father in Heaven bless him, Through all the coming year ! Sincerely !!!
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