Tuesday, April 8, 2008

And I'm Off (and I'm leaving too!)

It's almost 10:30 p.m. as I write this and I'm in the process of packing. Tomorrow I jet off to exotic Port Huron for YDB's semi-annual staff retreat. (When I say jet, I mean, of course, drive my eleven year old Ford Escort. It's like a jet in that I get in it and it takes me places faster than I could get by walking.)

So all day Wednesday and Thursday will be spent in long meetings with (hopefully) lots of long breaks. I'll do my usual solitary wandering on the beach looking for fossils (cuz I'm a geek like that) along with the traditional staring out at the water after dark (it's scary), watching the sun rise at least once (it's pretty), and eating a ton of food prepared by nice Methodist ladies (it's tasty -- the food, not the Methodist ladies).

Friday, thankfully, I'm coming back early. Instead of staying for a third full day of meetings that produce very little, I'll depart around ten-ish in order to get back for a workshop at Wayne State for Film Studies grad students on how to prep for the Qualifying Exam. (That's right - the test that's so important you have to capitalize the name!)

So I'll be out for a couple of days but I'll try to take a couple of decent pictures or scribble out a couple of halfway interesting thoughts to post when I get back.

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