Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Today was the first real day of spring as far as I'm concerned. I hear you say, "How do you figure, Mark?"

Well, I passed one of the first great milestones of spring today: I drove home with my window down. It was warm enough that, even at 75 mph, it was nice to have the window down and hang my arm out. It was pretty fabulous.

Other major markers are:

the girls playing outside without jackets
the first bike ride
opening the windows and sliding door of the house while cleaning on Saturday morning
eating food outside (a picnic or just getting ice cream from the local Dairy Dream and eating it at the roadside tables)
driving right into the sun at 7:30 in the morning
70 degrees
robins in the yard
going for a walk after dinner
taking the storm panes off my office windows

I realize this is Michigan and it may snow tomorrow but hey, one of these times, it will have to be the last snow of the season. One of these days, spring will really, really be here and we can all rejoice by eating Handi-Dip ice cream outside at 9 p.m. when it's just barely starting to get dark. Here's hoping.


Paul and Linda said...

I have a cartoon I cut out years ago from the Freep which shows three robins sitting on a tree limb. One is separated from the other two who are dressed in scarfs and ski hats. The one is singing his heart out, and underneath the two is written "Spring". The caption coming out of the mouth of one of the two is : "He's not from Michigan, is he ?"

Anonymous said...

I'm jealous. Utah acted like it was Spring a couple weeks ago, but since then we've had snow and rain all the time. Lame.

Suzy said...

I can feel it too. I think it's finally here. I hope I don't get my hand slapped by Mother Nature for being so optimistic.

melanie said...

yay!! It's about time!