Brooke White is really starting to get on my nerves. At first, she seemed pleasant and pretty and sane which, after the carny parade that American Idol auditions are, seemed really nice. I rooted for her because she's Mormon and I'm just like that. I want people like me to succeed in spheres other than business and Amway.
But now I can barely stand to watch her. As of last night, I figured out why. She reminds me of every bossy, uppity, no-fun, I'm-so-super-spiritual, "I honestly love everyone in this ward. Even though I don't know you and this is just my first Sunday here, I really love you" FHE sister from hell from every singles ward I ever attended. Her obnoxious habit of talking back to the judges and nodding at every comment as though she already knew everything they were saying and she just appreciated their friendly reminders has gotta go. Her stricken, fake, "I'm more worried about you than I am about me" look when she's in the bottom two also must stop.
She's more talented than Carmen Rasmussen was but she still doesn't have what it takes to make it to the top. Honestly, we should just cut the season short, have the two Davids perform a sing-off and get it over with. There's no need to drag it out any further. I mean, that Castro she-man? Syesha? C'mon.
You hit the nail right on the head. I have been not loving Brooke for a while now and I am glad you were able to put into words why for me. I have known way too many of those girls like Brooke. It is sickening.
Forget the words ! Forget You ! and I am so happy to see "Miss Most Obnoxious Tattoos" hitting the road ! Plus her little hubby currently touring w/Barnum and Bailey.
Jason, the "dread" locks boy, cannot possibly have a "fan base" that big.
I predict next to leave is Brooke, then Syesha, and then Jason. Then we are down to the Davids ... I'm rooting for the dear one because the other one is so dang full of himself I can't even recognize his talent anymore.
Oh, and BTW, glad to see your computer is fixed !
I agree. Brooke is starting to bug. I knew she'd never make it to the end, but I didn't want to not like her by the end. And yes, it will come down to the David's, but I almost want Cook to get it because we already did the 17-year old winner last year with Jordin. Cook seems more promising, like he has the potential of being an Underwood or a Clarkson kinda good.
My 2 cents.
I was pretty surprised to see Brooke stick around after slaughtering the first measure of the song...America is a little bit too forgiving. I agree with your observations. I haven't ever been a huge fan of hers. I must admit that I was a big fan of Carly and was pretty sad to see her go. I am really ready to have Jason leave. I am not sure if he intimidates me because he's prettier than I am or if it's because I feel like I am being hot-boxed when he sings. It will be interesting to see who can pull off Neil Diamond.
Haven't watched idol to know much of what you're talking about. My only comment is only Neil Diamond can pull of Neil Diamond!
I haven't seen much either, but I agree. Diamond sings Diamond only. Long live the Neil!
I can make you a promise. David Cook will rock Neil Diamond. I don't like him, he is definetly full of himself, but he is talented. He already sounds like a punk version of Neil anyway. My prediction is; both Brooke and Syesha will be gone before anyone else even though Ziggy Marley is threatening Jason if he doesn't return his hair really soon.
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