Friday, December 5, 2008

Something I Did Not Know

An interesting tidbit from today's Writer's Almanac:

"It's the birthday of Rose Wilder Lane, born in 1887 in De Smet, Dakota Territory. She worked for the San Francisco Bulletin as a reporter, an editor, and the author of romance serials. She wrote biographies of Henry Ford, Charlie Chaplin, Jack London, and Herbert Hoover. She was a prolific and popular author, and one of the highest-paid female writers in America.

Rose Wilder Lane struggled with depression, and during one of her worst bouts, she went to stay with her parents on their farm in Missouri. Her mother, Laura Ingalls Wilder, was then in her 60s, and one day she showed Rose a manuscript she had been working on, the story of her childhood. No one is sure how much Rose and Laura collaborated, but Rose certainly helped her mother edit the manuscripts, and might have even helped write them. And they became the books in the Little House series, which include Little House in the Big Woods (1932), Farmer Boy (1933), Little House on the Prairie (1935), and On the Banks of Plum Creek (1937)."


Paul and Linda said...

Well, thanks for adding again to my bank of "isn't this interesting" openers to conversations about little known information. May I add to it that today is also Walt Disney's birthday. God bless them everyone ! They have added to my life, and I 'ppreciate it !

(I am now ordering a pizza hoping against hope that someone dressed up in a black wig and moustache d'livers it to d'doorstep. I will over-tip incredibly.)

popcultchick said...

Your girls have such lofty aspirations! At least she wants a thick Super Mario mustache and not a skinny dirty Sanchez 'stache!

Just be happy they're not saying, "I want to be a PhD! I want to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on an education only to learn I can make more money as a bartender!"

J'Amy Day said...

You learn something new everyday, don't you?? Both my girls & I *heart* those books.

J'Amy Day said...

P.S. My word verification for my last comment was REXPU...translation - Rexburg P.U.????? Hee, hee.