Sunday was an excellent day. Of course, it was not without its various hitches and monkey wrenches but still, it was a spectacular day.
For the full account, I freely cut and paste from Suzanne's blog:
"Maryn's birthday was on Sunday, as well as her baptism. She had a great celebration. Grandma and Grandpa Brown came all the way from Rigby to be with us, and the fun just never ended.
that Maryn came home from school on Thursday with a fever over 100 degrees. The same night that her Grandparents were arriving to stay with us, and the same night as my RS Christmas Party. We made quick arrangements for me to drop off my treats to the party early (and not go), and to keep her with me while Mark and Avery went to the airport. We all had dinner together that night, and kept Maryn as far away from them as possible.
The next day (Friday) I kept both of them home from school. Maryn definitely had strep (like the 6th time this year), and Avery was just a ball of jealous determination that she needed to stay home as well. We got Maryn into the dr. that afternoon, and started the antibiotics, hoping that they would kick in for her to feel well at her baptism.
And they did.
Saturday was pleasant, and we went out and ran some errands and had "the grandparents" party, where both sets lavished her with presents and attention. It was fun. Later that night we had more presents and she blew out her premature birthday candles on top of a Tim Horton's double chocolate donut.
Then we went to Church on Sunday, and after we got home Avery complained that her tummy was hurting. Usually Ave uses this tactic to get out of eating what is being served, but what was being served was one of her faves...roast, potatoes, and carrots. And she didn't touch it. She went to lay down, and then she jumped up and got to the toilet just in time for, you guessed it!! I was shocked. At first I thought maybe she was faking it...that her jealousy had reached an all new level and she was making herself sick to turn the attention on her. She fell asleep and I figured when she got up, she'd be fine for the baptism.
I was wrong.
She got up and threw up again, and again, and again. Mark and Grandpa Brown gave her a blessing. She was miserable. They left without us to set things up. I packed the puke bucket, towels, a change of clothes, and off we went. She was fine for awhile, and when we got there she was seemingly fine as well.
Then towards the middle of Grandma Brown's talk she said she needed to GO! And off we went...sprinting across the back of the chapel to the nearest garbage can. A couple friends followed me out, but I didn't want to pawn off my sick child on somebody else...and basically spread the germs for all to acquire. (Maybe that was already too late?)
So I missed the last half of Laurie's talk and the beautiful musical number I had arranged with my friends, Maryn and my favorite primary hymn, "If the Savior Stood Beside Me". Ave pulled it together and we went to the Baptistry.
Mark and Maryn got in the font and it was freezing. Ave got up close enough to see. It was wonderful. But I was distracted. And I walked Avery back to the Chapel with her bucket, forgetting that a sopping wet skinny little 8 year old was waiting for me in the changing room. It finally hit me, and off I sprinted across the back of the chapel again to rescue my poor little chicken baby Maryn.
I got into the changing room, and there she was completely naked with a HUGE grin on her face. She looked at me excitedly and said, "I'm freeeeeeezzzzing!" It was so cute, and something I will never forget. It calmed my nerves immediately. I grabbed her blue fuzzy towel and finished drying her off and got her dressed. We met up with Mark and walked back to the Chapel.
When we got there, Amy was playing beautiful Christmas music on her violin and I immediately felt the Spirit again.
But then...
I noticed that Avery was missing, and so was her bucket. Sprint #3 across the back of the chapel to see if she was puking somewhere on the other side of the building. Nowhere. to. be. found. I returned and saw that she was sitting with friends on the back row. My friend insisted she would keep her and that I needed to get up to the front row and sit with Maryn and Mark. I did and started calming down again.
The program really was beautiful. Wonderful talks by both of her Grandmothers, prayers from her Grandfathers, Ordinances by her Dad and Uncles and Grandpas. It was awesome.
Unfortunately, Avery had to cap it off with another dash to the garbage can.
After the closing prayer, she went home with Grandpa and Grandma Brown. I'm so glad they were there. I went into the Young Women's room to cut the birthday cake. We had a great turnout (thank you for all of you who came!), and we were able to visit and enjoy our guests and Maryn's birthday.
I think it was another momentous occasion in the Brown family that was perfectly punctuated with a little drama and tribulation. Remember our honeymoon story? I think that it's just our luck quite honestly. And it also makes for great stories afterwards...and lllooooonnngggg blog posts!! Hee hee.
All in all, Maryn had a great birthday. At one point, she looked at Mark and said, "I just can't stop smiling." I think that sums it up. She is a big girl now, and we are so proud of her. And so happy that her birthday was such a memorable one.
And lest we forget her little sister...she's fine today. I kept her home from school, and she's been happy as a clam watching Star Wars and eating Ramen Noodles. I think it was a quirky 24-hour bug that just so happened to have the worst possible timing imaginable.
Oh well.
Life goes on."
It does indeed. I'm grateful for Maryn and the sweet, little star she is. I'm grateful for Avery who braved a storm of puking to support her older sister. I'm grateful to my parents who came from two time zones away to show their love for Maryn and us. And, of course, I'm grateful to Suzanne who, as ever, makes things happen as she is juggling 47 things. She is a wonder.
I'm just curious (and hope I can be so without sounding completely insensitive to Mormon tradition), but what are you wearing in this pic, MB?
All white clothes. When Mormons get baptized, they wear all white clothing into the font to represent purity and cleanliness. (Not, as some might suspect, to look like John Travolta in the late 70s. That's just an added bonus.)
Congratulations to your whole family Mark. I am happy for all of you.
It really was a wonderful day and the most important parts went off without a hitch. It was our privilege to be there!
Aaaah, life. You'll never forget that one.
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