Sunday, December 28, 2008

Sorry for the delay. Get ready for another.

Hi Kids,

It's been a while, I know. Much longer than I usually prefer to allow between my posts. Sorry about that.

In my defense, it has been a remarkably eventful week or so. My last day of work was snowed out by a massive blizzard; we drove to the Illinois Valley and bought a house (through the aforementioned snowstorm); I went back for an unofficial last day of work to turn in my keys and say goodbye and, while doing that, got our van horrendously stuck in the snow (fortunately, I knew where I could find a veritable army of young men to push me out. It was quite an experience - I'll write about it another day); my mother had a mastectomy; Suzanne and I celebrated our ten year wedding anniversary; Christmas had to be prepared for and executed; we telepresenced with relatives in Utah, Colorado, and Arizona; we packed our entire house; we went to tithing settlement with the Bishop; and, in addition to everything else, Suzanne and I both taught Sunday school lessons today.

So as much as I would have liked to sneak down to the basement here and catch all you hepcats up on all the goings-on, I just haven't been able to.

Here's a brief list of the many good things of the past few days:

My mother is recovering very well. She says she isn't in much pain and she feels like she is coming along very nicely.

Our house is 98% packed as I write this. The computer is the last thing to go.

Christmas lasagna at the Day's house was excellent as always.

I got an action figure of The Question, a very obscure comic book hero created by Steve Ditko, for Christmas. Nerds unite!

The girls seem excited and well adjusted about the move.

Jennifer Vos did us a huge favor and took the girls for five hours on Saturday so we could get some stuff done.

I bought Adele's album, 19, for eight bucks on itunes and have been enjoying it very much.

Yesterday was 62 degrees and windy. There is almost no snow left at all. Tomorrow and Tuesday are both supposed to be clear and in the 30-40s.

Avery got the Shannon and Dean Hale graphic novel Rapunzel's Revenge for Christmas and we are enjoying reading that together.

Yeah, there's lots of goodness to be grateful for. Moving is a pretty uncool experience but, for as bad as it inherently is, it's going well so far. (Fingers crossed.)

I will probably be out of commission for a while here at the ole' Penny. But fear not, I'll be back. And when I return I'll be reporting live and direct from the Land of Lincoln. I have a few changes in mind so stay tuned and be the first kid on your block to learn all about it. In the meantime, wish us luck as we travel off into the wild blue yonder of Illinois.


Shalee said...

Can't wait for the new adventures to read about when you return!!

Captain Admiral said...

Man, someone must really love you to track down a Question action figure. I'm all jealous over here.