
And Dad too.

He's bald and funny-looking but still my best friend of nearly twenty years.

My compatriot in General Tso's Chicken.

Also bald and funny looking. Also my friend for over twenty years.
There are other friends and family members (my brothers and their wives and children, of course) I could add to the list but I won't. Instead I'll go wide:
(By the way, a couple of these are so obscure that no one person will guess who all of them are. . . with the possible exception of Captain Admiral whose grasp of the useless unknown is impressive and vast.)

The guy on the left, not the Pope (Although John Paul was cool too.)

And of course:

It almost seemed like a challenge! Therefore...
1. Jim Henson
2. Dr. Seuss
3. Amy Ray and Emily Saliers
4. Bono
5. Richard Dutcher
6. Chip Kidd
7. Will Eisner
8. The cast of LOST
I'm going to admit something here. I knew them ALL...except for Chip Kidd. I had no clue who he was until I double-clicked on the photo and found that his name was also in the title of the photo. It's "like" cheating, but not really because I told the truth in the end, right? :)
Ahh your knowledge is vast, Ms. Mosier. And where your knowledge lacks, your ability to cheat more than compensates.
Well, I knew Henson and Dr. Seuss (check out the Cat in the Hat drawing on wall), but thought Bono was Robin Williams ( I got the Pope right off !), and knew Dutcher in all his defame. I recognize the group photo of "Lost", but could not tell you who is who in the group. Eisner I know of, but not by face, and have NO idea who the pretty ladies or Chip Kidd even are ! But if you can't live w/o them, it's good enough for me !
Dude! I'm honored to be on your short list.
Both lists from today are awesome! Good choices on the pics, too.
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