So I'm a little hesitant, right? I've heard gushing praise, Oscar buzz, and a general sense of "This. Movie. Will. Change. Your. Life!" from just about everybody. Movies never live up to that kind of hype -- or at least very rarely. So I'm hesitant about going to see The Dark Knight this evening once the girls have gone to bed. I just don't want to be disappointed, you know? I don't want to be the one guy who saw it too late and, therefore, was tired of the hype and was unimpressed. I guess we'll see.
Suzanne and I were supposed to go see it last weekend but Avery ended up with a little virus and so we didn't go anywhere. Then, the more Suzanne read about the movie, the less she wanted to see it. Too violent and disturbing for her tastes. So, she said I could go see it on my own this evening and that's what I plan to do. Maybe I'll call brother-in-law Ben and see if he wants to go.
Whatever happens, I'll let you know if I think it's worth all the hubbub.
1 comment:
I look forward to hearing your take on it. Keri and I saw it opening night and there were three strikes against the experience--none of which had anything to do with the film:
1. there were 200 people in the theater and 215 cell phones,
2. they had a freakin' INTERMISSION,
3. some moron turned off the A/C in the theater, apparently, because it was sweltering!
Anyway, let's "talk" after you see it.
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