#1. Mom is now doing her best impression of a Paris Island Marine with her hair style as seen below. I keep asking her if she'd like her sons to all get their hair cut that way too as a show of solidarity. She keeps telling me no.

#2. Her growths are responding very, very well to the chemotherapy. The doctor said he has rarely, if ever, seen tumors shrink so fast in such a short amount of time. We are very grateful for that. She'll continue on with a three weeks on/one week off schedule of chemo until around Christmas. She'll be bald and tired but alive and (no doubt) cantankerous as ever. We are grateful for that too.
Watch it, mister. I still weigh enough to crush you as I sit upon you and if you'll remember from your recent visit, I can also still land a well placed arm punch !! Yes, we are continually being blessed and we are grateful.
And my anwer is still NO! I do not want any of our sons to cut their hair in this style as a show of solidarity although Dan has already come pretty darn close!
I am ready to go get the completion of the marine "do" however as I am not enjoying little sticklets of hair on my clothes, on my tongue, in my hat ... yeah, yeah, I know.
I'm impressed you took the plunge and just got it over with Laurie. Finding little hairs in your food is never a pleasant experience...even if it is your own!
And we are all so grateful that things are responding so well. We'll continue to keep praying for that!!
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