Bowling - I'm thrilled if I break a hundred. It rarely happens.
Blow Bubbles With Gum - Seriously. I can't do it. I always end up spitting the wad of gum out onto the floor. I managed one tiny bubble once. It was in high school. It was a brief, gleaming moment.
Gauge Distance or Population - I have no head for this. I can accurately tell you how far it is from Salt Lake to Rexburg but if you ask me roughly how many feet it is from my front step to the street, I'm likely to say, "I dunno. A thousand?" Same with populations of towns. How many people live in Detroit? "I dunno. A thousand?"
Crossword Puzzles - They elude me. I did one on the back of Avery's kid's menu at Applebee's the other night and it was the first one I'd ever finished.
Things I Am Good At
Reading Stories Aloud - Trust me, I rock. I deliver the meanest rendition of The Giant Jam Sandwich known to man. Dr. Suess and I get along very well.
Make Cheesburgers - They're pretty hard to screw up, of course, but it is one thing that Suzanne actually likes my version better than her own.
Cell Phone Tetris - This is relative. I've never been good at Tetris at all (or any other video game for that matter) but, since I got my new phone, I've become a Zen master of it (comparatively speaking.)
Drawing Cartoon Pictures of Myself - Kinda self-absorbed, I know, but there it is. After years of practice, I can knock out a clever, little doodle of myself in seconds flat. I'm pretty quick on the draw with the girls and Suzanne too.

(Avery's version of me.)
Talking About Movies I've Never Seen As Though I Have Seen Them - Years of a subscription to Premiere magazine will do that. I can talk about the director, the actor's performance, funny stories about the development of the script, etc. all without ever having actually seen the first frame of film.
Witnessing the composition of grease, meat and the 'X Factor' of deliciousness at Big Juds does make one quite a wonder at making burgers :)
I am loving the portrait of you done by Avery ! Especially the goatee !!!
I feel like a blog dork commenting because we don't know each other all that well, and your blog seems kinda like my blog--mostly family and close friends and all. But I just had to comment again because I'm starting to wonder if you're a man version of me. It's a little freaky.
I have the EXACT SAME reality show philosophy, and blogged about it once, too. Plus, if I were to put down two things that I'm embarrassingly bad at, one would be gauging distance and/or population (how many Mormons are there in the world? 200 million? 2 million? Sigh. My husband so doesn't understand it) and the other would be bowling. I am truly terrible. I finally told my dad the last time we all went to stop trying to help me, because he's been giving me the same suggestions for 20 years now and it's not taking. Now, if you're unreasonably afraid of dolls that come alive, the similarities would just be too much.
You've got me on the cell phone tetris, though. I do not rock at that. But I do rock at Guitar Hero.
Not to worry at all then. I neither have a fear of animated dolls nor any skill or experience with Guitar Hero. See? We can't possibly be the same person. (Or can we?)
I love that you read and post to my blog. It is mostly family and close friends but that's because no one else wants to read it. Besides, there's no reason we can't be good friends too, right? I always like hanging out with famous authors.
Oh, I'm so glad I'm not a blog dork. And we can be friends. And I'm not famous. And I bet you'd be good at Guitar Hero if you practiced.
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