Tonight I fly out to Utah. I'll spend tomorrow following Tony around and then Saturday I'll present my paper at the AML Conference. (3:30 - 3:55, room 3215 in the Wilkinson Center. 25 minutes of dry, academic goodness. Be there or be square, hipsters!)On Sunday Tony will drive me up to Idaho and we'll spend a little time in Rexburg checking out old haunts. Then from Monday until early Friday morning, I'll just be hanging out, playing with my nieces and nephews, chilling with my brothers, tormenting my mother (because that's what tall people do to short people), and just generally soaking up the Idaho-ness of it all.
While I doubt I'll get much done over the weekend, I do intend to blog a little while I'm away. If I were a little more technologically advanced, I'd have a laptop and I'd live-blog my various airport experiences and the drive with Tony. But as it is, I'll just have to do with what I've got.
For now, I need to prepare a week's worth of assignments that will go completely unused. (They always do. It's just a little thing my boss has me do so he can feel like he's a good planner. I like to humor him that way. In reality, he organizes like I play football -- not at all.) I'm also going to attempt to reapply for the same film studies scholarship I won last year. I don't know how they feel about giving it to the same person two years in a row but I'll give it a stab.
And, as if that wasn't enough to do, I need to watch the final hour of Andrei Tarkovsky's The Sacrifice and return it before leaving today.
Y'know, if I wasn't a giant procrastinator, my life would be a lot easier.
Yay! You will be in Utah! You dudes should stop by my new house on your way to Idaho and say heeeello.
Good luck with your presentation!
For reals, dude! Though, if you go to Tawnya's house, you'll have to bring a lounge chair. Tawnya, apparently doesn't believe in couches.
Whoa. Rude, Tracy! Just because some of us are more in touch with the natural things in life and enjoy sitting on a cold, dirty hardwood floor more than a comfy couch doesn't give fancypants people like YOU the right to mock.
I wish I had a couch. Buying a house is hard. :)
Have a great trip and good luck explaining to airport security why that potato is in your possession on the way home!
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