Thursday, March 13, 2008

A Very Important Lunch

Captain Admiral and I convened at The Brownstone near the banks of the Snake River in Idaho Falls to discuss our plan for world domination through the facial hair of middle aged men. Here is photographic proof of this historic meeting:

You will all be glad to know that we mutually agreed to be benign dictators.

P.S. Even as I write this, I hear the ghost of Tracy Brewer Medley saying, "You guys aren't as funny as you think you are."

To this ghost, I respond with one of the oldest, most inside jokes of all time: David Lynch -- Elton John's new flame.

To all the rest of you who are scratching your head at this moment, I apologize profusely. We will now return to our regularly scheduled blogging.


lateshoes said...

This post and picture warmed my heart.

I'm not kidding. I think I even got a little teary. Age has made us all adorable.

David Lynch - Hugh Laurie's fake limp.

Captain Admiral said...

And I will hopefully end this "joke" fest with...

David Lynch - MXC stunt coordinator.

Mark Brown said...

Honestly, I'd forgotten how weirdly addictive this little game is.

David Lynch - Nascar Pit Crew Boss

David Lynch - Dick Cheney's secret bunker guard

David Lynch - Tyra Banks' forehead

David Lynch - Russian Fishing Industry Quality Checker

lateshoes said...

David Lynch - Vin Diesel's gay denial

It is addicting isn't it?

Captain Admiral said...

Vin Diesel is gay?!

David Lynch - Unmanned Gaydar tower

Mark Brown said...

David Lynch - Still-striking comedy writer for How I Met Your Mother.

David Lynch - The heretofore unknown 8th Habit of Highly Effective People.

David Lynch - Pro fry cook to the stars.

David Lynch - Anna Nicole Smith's pharmacist.

lateshoes said...

David Lynch - Terry Bradshaw's tip calculator

David Lynch - Your dog's Darth Vader costume

Captain Admiral said...

David Lynch - Dr Phil's pit stain

David Lynch - Triumph the Insult Comic Dog's fake poop picker-upper

David Lynch - Britney Spears' missing dignity

David Lynch - Bill Nighy's incredibly British Teeth

Mark Brown said...

David Lynch - rural community college Human Resources administrative assistant.

David Lynch - Hookah bar smoke technician.

David Lynch - You first blind date.

David Lynch - Hugo Chavez' puppetmaster!

David Lynch - Miss November 1991.