You will all be glad to know that we mutually agreed to be benign dictators.
P.S. Even as I write this, I hear the ghost of Tracy Brewer Medley saying, "You guys aren't as funny as you think you are."
To this ghost, I respond with one of the oldest, most inside jokes of all time: David Lynch -- Elton John's new flame.
To all the rest of you who are scratching your head at this moment, I apologize profusely. We will now return to our regularly scheduled blogging.
This post and picture warmed my heart.
I'm not kidding. I think I even got a little teary. Age has made us all adorable.
David Lynch - Hugh Laurie's fake limp.
And I will hopefully end this "joke" fest with...
David Lynch - MXC stunt coordinator.
Honestly, I'd forgotten how weirdly addictive this little game is.
David Lynch - Nascar Pit Crew Boss
David Lynch - Dick Cheney's secret bunker guard
David Lynch - Tyra Banks' forehead
David Lynch - Russian Fishing Industry Quality Checker
David Lynch - Vin Diesel's gay denial
It is addicting isn't it?
Vin Diesel is gay?!
David Lynch - Unmanned Gaydar tower
David Lynch - Still-striking comedy writer for How I Met Your Mother.
David Lynch - The heretofore unknown 8th Habit of Highly Effective People.
David Lynch - Pro fry cook to the stars.
David Lynch - Anna Nicole Smith's pharmacist.
David Lynch - Terry Bradshaw's tip calculator
David Lynch - Your dog's Darth Vader costume
David Lynch - Dr Phil's pit stain
David Lynch - Triumph the Insult Comic Dog's fake poop picker-upper
David Lynch - Britney Spears' missing dignity
David Lynch - Bill Nighy's incredibly British Teeth
David Lynch - rural community college Human Resources administrative assistant.
David Lynch - Hookah bar smoke technician.
David Lynch - You first blind date.
David Lynch - Hugo Chavez' puppetmaster!
David Lynch - Miss November 1991.
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