Tuesday night, Suzanne and I about O.D.ed on an unreasonable amount of reality TV. During the first hour of American Idol, we switched back and forth between it and The Biggest Loser to see which former chub was going to have to leave the Ranch. During the second hour, we alternated between A.I. and Dancing With The Stars to see which B-list celebrity was going to sizzle or fizzle in cha-cha heels. There was so much to see, my little noggin just about exploded.
As it all sloshed around in my head the next morning on the way into work, it occurred to me why I like certain reality shows and why I loathe others. The secret is this: I like shows that encourage people to do, make, or become something positive and I dislike shows that do nothing but showcase smallness, darkness, and depravity.
Case in point #1: Fat March. It was a limited series with only six or eight episodes. It featured a team of overweight people walking the 550 miles from Boston to Washington, D.C. The more people on the team who finished, the more award money they all received. So yes, while there might have been some "Hey, look at the chubs walking!" exploitation to it, it was much more about people doing something positive and accomplishing an impressive task. AND it was designed to encourage teamwork and cooperation rather than division and backstabbing.
Case in point #2: Big Brother. Here's a show populated entirely by young, attractive people who are encouraged to lie, backbite, and betray one another as regularly as possible. The challenges are designed to be difficult but not necessarily useful or productive in any way. Housemates usually end up hooking up with one another in meaningless, purely physical relationships. People are outright cruel, prejudicial, and mean to one another. It's a carnival of the darker side of human nature. Julie Chen should have her USC degree in broadcast journalism forcibly removed from her for even getting near this stinkbomb of a show.

So yeah, Dancing With The Stars is kind of silly but that's part of what makes it great. The prize isn't a million dollars - it's a mirror ball attached to the top of a trophy.

It doesn't take itself seriously at all and the people on the show appear to actually be having fun (with the possible exception of Monica Seles this season.) It doesn't involve alliances or back door deals, it doesn't require people to eat inedible parts of various animals (don't get me started on Fear Factor) or encourage people to vent their spleen.
Though American Idol has its moments of drama with Simon telling people they should hunt down their former vocal coaches and get their money back, it's still a show in which people do something - they produce music for others to enjoy. It does something other than bring out the worst in people.
I couldn't agree more. Well said. And DWTS frontrunners are Kristy and Mario, although I'm fascinated by Priscilla. My AI fave is Brooke. That Cook guy may be good, but he's cocky and that loses my vote.
You guys need Bravo so you can become addicted to the wonderful world of Top Chef, Project Runway and Shear Genius....I love reality tv!
Oh, and I am a fan of Carly Smithson...so glad she didn't go home, but all too glad that Amanda Overmeyer did!!!!! Can't imagine Amanda singing Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber songs without completely butchering them.
Here is a comment from Linda (AI-addicted) Day who is involved in the 12 step program as she writes ...
David A. did a bang-up job on "The Long and Winding Road". Pure little face with clear tones singing songs from his Grandmother's genre brought a tear to ma' eye ! Brooke is so sweet she will probably get run over by the Tattoo Queen and that crying, sobbing, clinging, teeny weeny, Ramiele. I hear Kleenex is looking for her endorsement ! And the Dreadlocks Boy will go week after next with Kristie who should have gone this week on her way outta town.
Right on, Shalee, w/ Padma and her Posse, Top Chef rules !
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