Anyway, I remembered that "Crimony crud" did not originate with me. It's a phrase from the obscure but much beloved (by some) comic book from the late 80s and early 90s, Ralph Snart.

I was never a Ralph Snart reader in any meaningful way. However, I was (and am) friend to RS fanboy, Brad Barrett, who peppered me with Snartisms such as, "How weak! Wotta woman!" and the aforementioned, "Crimony crud!" Eventually, I picked a little of it up and it entered my regular parlance. So now, here I am, fifteen years later, still using a phrase I picked up from a friend.
I started thinking of the habits, sayings, rituals, likes/dislikes, etc. that I've picked up from friends and family members over the years. Here's an abbreviated list:
Suzanne: the tendency to pronounce the word "yes" as "yees."
Jason (older brother): a deep affection for Van Halen.

Mom: An almost Pavlovian response to rainy days with a desire to make homemade soup, rolls, and chocolate chip cookies.
Dad: The phrases "Jeeze, kid!" and "Ignorant donkey."
Tyler Mitchell (missionary companion): The phrases "who kicked your trike in the ditch?" and "You whine like my mule," and "You're as full of crap as a Christmas goose."
Brad: Saying "Sure, sure," like Paul Newman from The Hudsucker Proxy.

Jeff Day (brother-in-law): Pronouncing the name of the rapper Ja Rule as "Jay Rule."

Suzanne: Wiping off counters constantly.
Norman Rindlisbacher (missionary companion): The phrase "What the H?"
Tony: "Dude." "Bah!"
Jason: Having every piece of dialog from The Breakfast Club burned in my memory for time and, most likely, all eternity.

Arthur Dolsen (Latin professor): Saying "yes, yes, dear child" in a deep, sonorous voice.
Brad: a deep love for the theme song of Shaft.

President Ernest Westover (mission president): The phrase, "That kid doesn't have the sense God gave a newborn calf!"
There are undoubtedly more things that I've "caught" from people that I haven't thrown back. As they come to me, I will update the list.
For a second there, I thought myself cool that you (an educated and erudite man) gleaned these things from me. Then I realized that all of the things you got from me, I got from somewhere else. Right now I feel like a trained monkey. Is it bad that my life is built only on pop culture references?
Nope. That's who I am and that's what I got (if I may butcher some grammar.)
To quote Terrell Owens, Dallas Cowboys wide receiver and all around philosphiser, "I loves me some me."
See what I did there? Another reference! Yea!
Love the new Sunday suit!
Always, when driving into our own driveway from having been anywhere : "Home again, Home again, Jiggety Jog" from the old nursery rhyme knee bouncer.
I even say that now to my kids because my Mom said it every time...seriously.
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