When I graduated from BSU in 2003, our little cadre of would-be writers got together for a class picture and "author photos." Meghan Kenny ('02) kindly obliged us and took a bunch of photos of us as a group being silly, wearing hats, etc. and also one of each graduate to use on the dust jacket of the next Great American Novel or, in my case, the next tiny book of poetry.
One thing that makes me laugh about the group shots is that Maryn is in them. She was the unofficial mascot of our graduating class and my classmates joked before she was born about naming her Emma Faye (get it? MFA?). I can't remember why she was with me that day but with me she was, so she got in on the photographic action.

From left to right: Chris, Emma Faye Brown, me, Callie (Judith), Maura, Matt, girl I had so little to do with I can't remember her name after only five years, Bill, Will. (I feel bad about not remembering that girl's name. I remember that she had a tiny, purse-sized dog named Winnie that she brought to school with her - but I don't remember her name. Isn't that bad?)

And here's me, looking skinny, shorn, and all ready to unleash my poetry on the world like a bad virus.
P.S. Meghan or Maura, if you read this - help me out with the name of Winnie's owner.
I shall name her Douglas. And please, pretty please for the love of all that is holy, don't ever cut your hair like that again.
Why do you look so much like an extra from Full Metal Jacket here?
It's somewhere between Forest Gump and Karl Childers. With a dash of
Vinnie Jones thrown in for good measure.
Y'know, I say these things as if I have any room to talk.
Karl Childers. Wow. Didn't think you'd go there. But go there you did. Fabulous. At least my friend ol' Friar Tuck just left it at Full Metal Jacket and didn't specify Pvt. Pyle, you know?
The irony, of course, is that both of the people dogging my hairstyle (the admirable Admiral and the fabulous Friar) are both straight-up bald by choice.
So why the mockery, gentlemen? Teasing me because I don't have the guts to go all cranium-naked like you guys? Is that it? Only real men use a Bic?
I used to have the exact same haircut, and I've had many worse styles.
Do you remember when I shaved the sides and back of my head and left the top long and I'd put it up in a scrunchy and I thought it was cool but didn't really understand that I looked like a pineapple and thus looked stupid? Then I'd take the same haircut and put it into pigtails and say "It's my Cindy Brady look." Yeesh.
I kid because I care. I mock because that's what I do. My only hope is that I take it as well as I dish it. And I don't mock those that I don't think can handle it. You and I have been mocking each other for, what?, 20-ish years now?
Here's to another 20. Karl.
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