It's a historic day here in the "D." After nine long months of denials, legal manuevering, and stonewalling, Kwame Malik Kilpatrick agreed to resign as mayor of Detroit this morning. His resignation will become effective in about two weeks and, following that, he'll spend 4 months in jail, will pay a million dollars in restitution to the city of Detroit, will forfeit his pension to the city, will relinquish his law license, will agree to not run for or hold elected office for five years, and will be on probation for five years. In honor of this utterly ghetto man, I thought I'd share some of the slang I've learned here in Detroit. The slang is broke-down and po', just like our former mayor. Enjoy:
Whip - a nice car.
Trap - a drug house.
Stacks - lots of money.
Makin' it rain - partying all night long at a club.
Poppin' bottles - getting drunk.
Square - a cigarette.
Loosie - a cigarette bought individually from a store.
Poot - fart.
That's bo - (pronounced like "bow and arrow") Something that is no good or messed up.
Bossy - Something that's good and admirable and classy.
Underbossy - Something trashy and low class.
It is good to have two languages, Mark ... makes the resume sparkle. ;o)
As to Kilpatrick ... I stood in my living room, raised my fist in the air (like the Joe on Jefferson Ave, and said "YES!"
I wish I had some stacks to buy a bossy whip.
Is that right? did I get it right? Huh, huh?
Your knowledge is vast and impressive Mark. Thanks for the lesson.
Two things I never ever thought would go in the same sentence: Mark Brown and ebonics.....you are full of surprises.
I've got to say, Suzanne, I'm impressed. Strangely, it seems very natural coming from you.
Of course, at our house, we thought "poot" was the funniest! Bathroom humor NEVER, EVER gets old around here....
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