You know, I'm digging this whole teaching-college thing again but it's really time consuming. I don't have near the free time I did before. It's a fair trade, I guess. But between teaching there, teaching at YDB, still trying to prep for my QE, and being a husband and father, I'm finding I have less and less time for you, my dear,sweet blog. Sigh.
I want to write a post about letting go. My dad finally hauled away the crappy, red car that's been sitting on his driveway for three or four years waiting to be fixed. He could have fixed it, I have no doubt. But he's realized that he's rather not, that there are other things to do with his time and money. So he's let it go. Sold it to the scrap yard for a hundred bucks. Good for him. I think we all have a crappy, red car sitting in the driveways of our lives that we should haul to the scrap yard.
I want to write a post about the original trilogy of gangster films - Little Caesar, The Public Enemy, and Scarface. I want to write all about the echoes and resonances I see in crime films in the 75 years since these films were made. I want to point out how many silly cliches came from these three movies.
I want to do the various memes and tags from other people's blogs - Mike's saddest song meme, Jennifer V.'s tag, Tracy's "take a picture of yourself right now" meme.
I want to write an in-depth analysis of Dancing With the Stars. (My early prediction: Brooke Burke and Misty May-Treanor will be two of the three contenstants in the final.) Did you find Chloris L. funny or disturbing? Did you want to force feed Susan Lucci a sandwich and some creotine? Did you snort when Kim Kardashian was identified as being famous for being a "reality star?" Did you cringe every time Samantha Harris opened her stupid, stupid mouth? Oh, I've missed it all so much.
But I don't have time to do any of those right at this moment. I have to get home, pick up the girls, do laundry, have dinner with the fam, and then watch Murder, My Sweet. (After DWTS, of course.) Busy, busy, busy.
But fear not, gentle readers. Where there is a will, there is a way. And I will continue to post as long as you continue to read - all six of you.
I didn't even watch all of DWTS, but like you, I cringed everytime Samantha Harris opened her know-nothing, terrible segway spewing mouth. I don't know if i'll be able to make it through an entire episode without wishing that a cartoon train would come through the screen and mow her down.
Did you say "do laundry"??? (clapping and jumping up and down)
There is a lot of company in the the "busy bee" hive these days! It is the new normal!
Hey. At least you posted something. My blog is sad, lonely, and WAY out of date. No time. No time.
I always enjoy your posts. Thanks.
I don't believe, in the buzzyness of your hive, that you have explained the "college teaching" to your blog reading public. It is such a way-to-go, high fiving, deal that it bears notice.
Your six readers puts my four to shame.
I won't complain if you won't . . .
Hee-hee. That comment only refers to my monthly average of 3 posts per.
Oy, Life happens.
Congrats on the teaching post. And that first semester is a time-inhaler. (I'm in the midst of a new first semester myself.) And you keep making me think I should watch DWTS. I'm a big SYTYCD fan in the summer but have never committed myself to DWTS . . . although your recap was convincing.
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