Still no power.
But on the bright side, today is the birthday of the creator of Curious George.
"It's the birthday of the children's author and illustrator H.A. Rey, born Hans Augusto Reyersbach in Hamburg, Germany, in 1898. When Hans was a boy in Hamburg, he lived near a zoo, and he loved visiting the animals there -- he would imitate their noises and paint them. And in Hamburg he met a young girl named Margret Elisabeth Waldstein, but then she left to go study art. Hans served in the army, he went to school for a while, and he supported himself by designing posters for the circus. But the economy in Germany was bad, so he went to Rio de Janeiro to help his brother-in-law sell bathtubs. Hans changed his name from Reyersbach to Rey because it was hard for Brazilians to pronounce. In Brazil, he met up with Margret, who was all grown up, and they fell in love and got married.
"Hans and Margret Rey returned to Europe in 1935, but they were Jewish and they couldn't go back to Nazi Germany, so they settled in Paris. Hans drew some cartoons of a giraffe for a newspaper, and a French publisher liked them and he asked Hans to do some more work like that. So the Reys started writing a book called Cecily G. and the Nine Monkeys (1942), one of its characters was a monkey named Curious George, and the Reys thought he was the best character and that he should have a book of his own. They were happy to be living in Paris, happy to be working on more children's books and translations of nursery rhymes, but in June of 1940, they discovered that Hitler was about to take control of Paris and that they were in huge danger. As fast as he could, Hans constructed two bicycles from spare parts he found, and on the morning of June 14, the Reys biked out of the city with some food, warm coats, and five manuscripts. One of those manuscripts was Curious George. The Nazis took control of Paris that afternoon, but the Reys were safely out of the city. They biked for four days until they reached the Spanish border, and then they sold their bikes for enough money to buy train tickets to Lisbon. Over the next few months, they made it from Lisbon to Brazil, and then eventually to New York City. Curious George was published in 1941, and the Reys wrote and illustrated six more stories about him -- stories like Curious George Rides a Bike (1952) and Curious George Goes to the Hospital (1966)."

How can you not love a story that involves biking away from Paris with a bag full of manuscripts in order to escape the Nazis? Especially if one of those manuscripts is about a trouble-making monkey?
The Curious George escapades are favorites of children !
Two experiences w/him. Once, when teaching 3rd grade, I had a little guy in my class named Richard who could get into trouble with a moment's provocation. One day after doing something I said to him, "Richard, your "curiousity" is getting you in trouble !" He asked what "curiousity was and I told him it meant to be curious about things. He said "Oh, like curious George ! Well, just call me George, then !" And he would not answer to Richard for a week after !
The other was when we needed folded newspaper hats for a parade at Church for the 4th of July, and someone remembered the pattern was in a Curious George book.
So, I say : " Hats off to George and Mr. Rey !"
(groan !) Thanks, Mark, for a unique post !
And sorry about DTE who is still standing by, evidently !
Is your lightbulb giving me the finger?
No, but it is giving the finger to DTE.
That was awesome Jennifer! Classic!
Thanks for the info about H.A. Rey! Camiele still LOVES Curious George - not too long ago as we were picking blueberries she thought we could make smiley faces with them like in the book. I will have her read your blog when she gets home from school. Too cool!
Camielle is clearly a woman of taste and style - much like her mother.
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