It's about frickin' time.
Yes, yesterday when we drove through our neighborhood on the way home, there was silence. The near-deafening roar of generators had been stilled. We pulled up to the driveway, pushed the garage door opener button, and lo and behold it opened. The girls literally cheered for joy.
It was very, very nice to be able to wash clothes, watch tv, and just have lights on after eight p.m. I am a huge fan of electricity. I am an electric fan. Hee hee.
For whatever reason, I felt like a zombie while the power was out, like real life couldn't begin until there was electricity. Now that we're charged up again, I can fill you in on a few things that have been going on over the last couple of days.
Thing #1 - I thought I was up for a one-year appointment at BYUI but it turned out, I was not. I had my hopes up, I confess. They were squished, I confess. I'm more or less over it, I confess.
Thing #2 - I was offered and accepted a couple of classes as an adjunct at Henry Ford Community College. It's a last-minute thing covering for someone who left unexpectedly. I taught my first classes yesterday and it was thrilling and exhilarating to teach at that level again. I've missed it.
Thing #3 - Avery Jane Brown turned six on Monday. She remains the sweet, powerful, sly, sensitive, hopeful joy that she has ever been. She's awesome and I love her. She had a friend lose a tooth while over at our house for a birthday playdate. Not only did we not have power, we had kids pulling pieces of their heads out right in front of us.
Thing #4 - YDB's annual fundraiser "The Showdown in Motown" is coming up a week from tomorrow. It's sort of an American Idol/Showtime at the Apollo sort of thing where a variety of different musical acts (rock, jazz, rap) will perform and the audience and a panel of celebrity judges will decide the winner. First prize is a thousand bucks. Almost all the fundraising is done at the corporate level and all we really want is for an audience to show up. So, if you're in the Detroit area and want to come to a fun, D-town experience, just say the word and I will get you in for free. Thursday the 25th, around 7:30 I think, at the Magic Stick in downtown Detroit. It's family friendly and the more people you can bring, the more welcome you are. (Vos family - I'm lookin' at you!)
Thing #5 - Howard Hawks' Red River cut out on Saturday night with 45 minutes left to go. I'm finishing that bad boy up tonight, come heck or high water. Tomorrow, if I can get it, The Maltese Falcon.
That is all.
Hooray for electricity -- when it works !!!
Send that light bulb picture from your last post to whoever it was at BYUI. Let 'em figure out what it means.
Your event sounds bossy. Actually, my midwife was going to break my water on Wednesday if I haven't gone into labor before then. Maybe I could wait a day and have it done downtown next to a trap. That would be bo.
(White suburban girls should not try and use Detroit slang. It sounds retarded.)
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