From the depths of Grandma's dress-up box comes Mark's Halloween costume circa 1981. Maryn found it yesterday and has refused to take it off for much of anything since then. I wouldn't let her wear it to dinner ('cause I'm a killjoy like that) and I wouldn't let her wear it when we went for an afternoon walk to the park. Other than that, she might as well have it tattooed to her lily white skin. Let's hear it for the space program.

Daddy's girl, right? I'd never seen that little gem must have really been at the bottom of the dress-up trunk.
Princesses can go to space? She needs to write and illustrate that one for SURE!
Went to see Kit Kittridge today ! Took Ariel whose Mom is flat down the last part of this pregnancy. I loved it. Ariel did,too. All the way through it, I kept thinking : "Maryn would be a shoe-in for movies !"
Maybe Mark can write the script for "Natalie ... NASA's answer to Space: The Ultimate Boarding School". (and we can get Julia Roberts to produce ... she owes me one !)
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