Yes, most of the time, the biggest hazzard in my job is chapped hands from too much chalk dust. However, I'm occasionally given the opportunity to really hurt myself. These two photos are from a recent Saturday work project we did with some volunteers from a regional bank. It was hilarious to see all these white, upscale banker-types come down to the 'hood where our job site is and do work side by side with students they would undoubtedly cross the street to avoid on any other day. Anyway, I helped lay the plywood on the carport roof and felt appropriately manly and sweaty.

Are you aware that the young man behind you is about to bash your head with a hammer ???
I'm missing the white banker in these shots. Where is the lily-liver ?
None of the white bankers would get up on the roof. (We probably didn't want them up there for insurance reasons anyway.)
They busied themselves planting flowers, laying sod, and sorting paint cans.
The manly men (you know, English teacher types who have a degree in poetry) were the ones on the roof, working the hammers.
After your last blog about how hard your life is because people don't understand that you don't dig sports, you suddenly appear in photos (that you posted yourself) wearing a Detroit Tigers ball cap. I now officially have no sympathy for your glutton-for-punishment self. Maybe next time you could wear a pink, ruffley bonnet instead.
I'd pay real money to see Mark Brown in a ruffly pink bonnet.
It took me a minute to figure out if these photos were ligit...I thought you had photoshopped your head in....didn't know you were so down with your homies! Excited to see you guys in a few days.
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