First and foremost, yeah, it's hard to be humble when you've got a family as good looking as mine. Suzanne is beautiful and, together, she and I have produced two really good looking, photogenic, almost-too-Arayan-looking-for-their-own-good daughters. It's pretty great. (Probably won't be so great when Maryn in 15 and Avery is 13 and I'm at the door turning away shaggy-haired boys who are just wondering "Can your daughter come outside for a little while?" and I have to say things like, "Sure, in just a minute. While we wait, tell me, have you ever seen .38 caliber handgun up close? Come here and let me show you my collection.)
The other thing I have to brag about is my lovely and charming sister-in-law Shalee who took this photo (as well as several others that look just as good.) In the space of 5 minutes or less, she punched out these photos like it was nothing and burned them onto a CD for us to print at our leisure. She takes wedding and engagement photos in the area and always does a great job. She was nice enough to take these pictures for us for free. What a sweetheart.
(A sidenote about Shalee: I have known from almost the very beginning that she was a cool sister-in-law. Years ago, not long after she and Dan were married, we were sitting around and I was holding forth on Idaho politics, using the outdated information and rumors I had from back when I worked for BSU radio. At one point, I said, "Well, I've heard the rumor that Larry Craig is gay." Shalee stopped, looked right at me and said, "That's my uncle." I froze for a moment and then started stammering out excuses, backpedaling like Lance Armstrong. After a good thirty seconds of really excruciating embarrassment on my part, Shalee cracked up and started laughing. He isn't her uncle at all. She just wanted to mess with me. I don't think I've ever been more pleased to have been suckered than I was at that moment. I was tickled that I had a sister-in-law that was clever and funny and not afraid. Needless to say, over the last year or so, she's hoped that I forgot that she once claimed Larry Craig as even an imaginary family member.)
If you actually had or believed in guns, I guess. As it is you'll have to fend them off with your sweet collection of comics and action figures. You may find a couple of friends in the process. They'll forget all about the girls and come over to hang out with you in the basement.
P.S. I can't decide which photo I like better. I have a poll on my blog to vote. Thanks again Shalee!!
That is a great picture. I'm glad Shalee isn't over here in Twin competing with me :)
... or is she? :(
AWWW, Mark. You are too nice. It isn't everyone who is grateful for my smart mouth :) It was fun to see you guys and I was glad to click some pics. I have found that the quicker you can take pictures of a Brown man, the happier he is....
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