On this day in 1862, Henry David Thoreau died of tuberculosis. He was 44. His aunt asked him if he was at peace with God. Thoreau said, "I was not aware that we had quarreled." The last clear thing he said was, "Now comes good sailing," and then two words: "moose" and "Indian."

I want my last words to be something poetic and hopeful like "Now comes good sailing" but then my last two random words can be "cookies" and "Kirkegaard." ("Cookies" because I like them. "Kirkegaard" because it's a funny word.)
Is that a beard? Is his neck swaddled in moss? He's attached a very used Brillo pad to his chin? My beard will never look that awesome.
. . . kinda hard to say between gasps of death rattle, though. People will think you said "queer color guard."
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