Today, we are taking in a new group of students and I can already tell who the troublemakers are, which kids are too cool to listen or act like they're trying, and who probably won't make it. Some of these kids might as well be wearing signs over their heads that say, "Just trying to get my grandma off my back" and "Too scared to admit I can barely read."
Anyway, in the spirit of having finished my course work last week (with another straight "A" semester, I might add), I give you January 5, 2006 edition of Toothpaste for Dinner:
Well, let's hear it for Mark !
"M" akes rocking choc. chip cookies (or so I hear !)
"A' average for the 2nd semester
"R" ater of all things celluloid regardless of screen
"K" id favorite ... best at zooming babies, making coloring books for church, and general fun for all daughters, and nieces and nephews !
Nicely done on the high marks, uh, Mark.
Hopefully you earned them the old fashioned way, not as I did in drivers ed when I failed spectacularly at paralel parking so I bribed my teacher with a box of Ho Ho's and a sixer of Dr. Pepper to achieve a C-.
If I had even thought that was a remote possibility, I would have been at my prof's house with a keg of Vernor's Ginger Ale (the Detroit drink of choice) and a case of Chocodiles instead of staying up until 3 a.m. writing about how the film version of Jack Weyland's Charly is not an actual feminist problem-solving mechanism.
Hip hooray for the straight A's !! Good job navigating the Wayne State Grad Program. Here's to the same success in qualifying exams and a future teaching job! Way to go!
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